Friday, May 30, 2014

                      Star Wars Birthday!
I had shirts made for all of the kids. "May the force be with you"
The birthday kids had a slogan on the back, "The force is strong in this one"
The adults of the birthday kids also had shirts. 

Luke and Leia

All of the kids had to go through a training course to become a JEDI.  They were taught the proper way to activate and use their lightsaber.  My husband make them our of foam, pvc pipe, and electrical tape.  They all stood on a marker (seen on the grass) and they were lead in a ceremony to use their lightsabers.  Before they received one, they had to go through an obstacle course that was set up around the backyard.  Then, they had to fight Darth Vader.  (The big piñata)
Once everyone went through, Vader was hung up for the kids to hit the piñata.  

The piñata!

We had a BLAST!

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