Saturday, February 28, 2015

Frozen Birthday 
I had beautiful purple and turquoise snowflakes all over the kitchen and poster and etc... Unfortunately, I missed taking picture of all the beautiful decor!  

Making Rock Trolls!  Painting Toll Faces on the rocks.  

Shave Ice!  It ended up being a warm February day, so shaved ice was perfect!  

Make your own marshmallow  OLAF!  Texas mix is what they made the nose with.  Pretzel sticks for the branches, raisins for the buttons, and eyeball candy.  

Snowflake Cookies!

Snowballs!  This was full of powdered donuts but they got eaten before I took a picture.  

                                                               Welcome to Arendelle!
                         Blue Hawaiian Punch was the drink of choice (mixed with lemon lime soda)
Pin the nose on Olaf!  I think the Birthday Girl Peeked!

We had a scavenger hunt for the birthday girl.  There were cards with words from the songs, and the kids would fill in the blank with the missing word.  The there was a clue of where to find the next card.  The kids had a blast singing the songs!  I found a free version of the scavenger hunt online so it was nice that I didn't have to create it!

Friday, May 30, 2014

"Chuck"  (The TV show) Birthday  
Nerd Herd, Buy More, Spy for CIA
These are all things CHUCK
My husband loves the show Chuck.  It no longer plays, but it is now on Netflix and we have it on DVD, so he still enjoys watching it.  

Chuck was always told to STAY IN THE CAR, but of course he never listened.

Made chocolate spy guns and chocolate computers.

SUBWAY!  On the show, they were always advertising and eating Subway.  So it fit perfectly to have these large Sunway sandwiches.  And the cookies... why subway has those yummy chocolate chip cookies you can buy! So it was a perfect addition!

Had the Nerf guns outside for the kids to play spy.  On the show they actually played with Nerf guns sometimes too!
Even the Kitchen cabinets had computers.

My dad brought over some of his old computers for background.  

The CAKE!   I cut out the little computer Nerd guy on my PAZZLES cutter.  This is the NERD HERD desk symbol at the BUY MORE.

Orange, Orange:  This is wear Sarah the Spy "Worked" after the first season.  So we made orange smoothies! 

The Jeffster was a couple of Computer Nerd Herd Techs who had their own little "band" called the Jeffster.  They played and sang some good old 80's and 90's rock music.  So I had a little Karaoke station set up and had a few clips from You Tube of Jeffster sing a longs.  It turned into all kinds of Karaoke, but mostly the songs from Frozen!  The kids really got into it.  This was the most entertaining part of course!
The Nerd Herd Desk.  Give us a call and we can fix it!

My "techie"husband.  He loves his electronics!

Made Nerd Herd Badges for all the drinks. 

All of the adult guests had ID Badges to wear from the Nerd Herd Desk at Buy More like Chuck always word.  The kids had name tags from the BUY more.

                      Star Wars Birthday!
I had shirts made for all of the kids. "May the force be with you"
The birthday kids had a slogan on the back, "The force is strong in this one"
The adults of the birthday kids also had shirts. 

Luke and Leia

All of the kids had to go through a training course to become a JEDI.  They were taught the proper way to activate and use their lightsaber.  My husband make them our of foam, pvc pipe, and electrical tape.  They all stood on a marker (seen on the grass) and they were lead in a ceremony to use their lightsabers.  Before they received one, they had to go through an obstacle course that was set up around the backyard.  Then, they had to fight Darth Vader.  (The big piñata)
Once everyone went through, Vader was hung up for the kids to hit the piñata.  

The piñata!

We had a BLAST!